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Finding Love Far Away from Home

Writer: Older & Much Wiser YouOlder & Much Wiser You

Beautiful Younger Soul,

I will tell you a little bit of my love story.

When I was 15 years old, I remember that my dad told me that I could have a boyfriend, as long as I wasn’t hiding in a corner making out in the street, and that I had to introduce “the guy” to him. Well, at that age I felt ugly and I must say that most, if not most of the guys who approached me were always older than I was and those who were my age, always said that I was very serious and that I looked very angry. That is how it was when I was 15, 16, 17 and 18 years old. Until then I didn’t have a boyfriend, although I did have a few suitors. However, one thing I never forgot was that my dad told me not to pay attention to a man’s looks because that would end, what was truly important was the heart.

I arrived in the United States at the age of 19 and at that time, I thought was that if I had never had a boyfriend in my country, much less in a country where I felt like a foreigner. Well, I must say that as the Word of God says, His plans are not our plans and so it was.

In September 1999, my dad took us to the church he was attending before we arrived. By that time, he had told us that he had met a guy he liked for me. However, to my surprise, when I saw the person my dad had told me about, I didn’t like him physically, not at all. One thing I saw with my spiritual eyes was that he was different from all the others.

My first approach with him, my future husband, would be during Sunday School. I arrived first and he arrived shortly. I, who at that time didn’t talk to anyone, was very embarrassed. Then he asked me my name and I answered him and I asked him for his name. Since we arrived at that church, my sister, my cousin and I started attending the youth group and my cousin always told me that my future husband liked me. I doubted him; plus I didn’t like him either.

By December 1999, it would be my future husband’s birthday. I remember that by that time he had won the affection of my parents and I think he spent more time talking to them than to me. Then my mom came up with the idea of doing something special for his birthday and buying him a present. I told her no, because I didn’t want him to think I wanted to hang out with him. What do you think? Well, we made him a birthday meal and gave him a present. Something happened at that moment and don’t ask me what it was. By January 13, 2000, I knew my heart was pounding for him and I knew his heart was pounding for me. My sister and my cousin played cupids in this story, but the one with the plan was God.

By January 13 we went out for the first time. It was my first date with a guy. My mom knew he would ask me to be his girlfriend and he did. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I had my first kiss. And guess what happened? I cried, of course, I cried and I whole heartily thanked the Lord.

Our courtship lasted a year and a half. Maybe you’re wondering "how did he ask you to be his wife?" Well, on Mother’s Day and a full church, he asked me to come up to the altar. I asked him, “What are you doing?” I was so embarrassed to be up there in front of everyone then suddenly he kneels down in front of me. At that moment, I knew what was coming. He says, “Will you be my wife?” Wow! Of course I said yes and in front of the congregation he starts to sing love song. By September 2001, I was a happy married woman.

All I can tell you is that no matter how much time passes, God has a perfect plan full of love for your life. Mine was this one and we’re going on 20 years of marriage. Wait on the Lord, because He already knows who your life partner will be.

And his Word says: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord" (Jeremiah 23:11). This includes love. God’s plan is perfect and He never makes mistakes.


Older & Much Wiser You


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


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